About Us

Excelsior Learning Centre, a small and unique school, centrally situated on Peter Road, Ruimsig, is a schooling opportunity for students who do not want to attend mainstream schools, or are struggling with home schooling.

Students receive individual attention in small classes, as the ratio, in any given class, will not be more than 1 Teacher to 12 pupils.  This enables them to fulfill their requirements, as well as creating a positive “can do” academic environment.

We offer the International Cambridge Curriculum; Grade R – AS Levels. We are registered with the Department of Education.   

We take the time to evaluate and recognize each individual’s needs and abilities and then guide and support them.

We urge each and every student to reach both their academic and personal potential, to encourage the development of self-esteem and confidence, resulting in well- balanced, all-round students, under the guidance of our dedicated and caring teachers.                       

Discipline and structure, including manners, etiquette, morals, good judgment and good old- fashioned values, is the school’s policy for all its students. We encourage students to recognize their role and responsibility in society.

At Excelsior Learning Centre we promote an ethos of respect and equality, to recognize and value cultural and lifestyle differences.  We encourage respect and the preservation of animals and our environment.

Our students are happy to attend school and we find that this has impacted on their personal growth and well-being. Our outdoor facilities allow the students to run and play in large, farm-like grounds. The school endeavours to create a peaceful, friendly, family environment in which the students are able to thrive.